
A conversation with Robin Grimmond about “Sessions & Confessions”

Q: Hi! What was your inspiration behind writing and producing “Sessions & Confessions”?

A: I have been writing for over 10 years and, although I’ve uploaded a large number of songs on Youtube, I’ve never released an actual album. I wanted to see if I could create an album that stood up in its own right.

Q: Can you tell us about your songwriting process for this album?

A: I looked back at my songs through the years and recently and picked ones that I thought represented my style of writing.

Q: What message do you hope listeners take away from “Sessions & Confessions”?

A: That songs can be humorous, emotional and instructive as well as hopefully enjoyable in their own right. Also, the message that even people who can’t play an instrument can write songs.

Q: Were there any particular challenges or obstacles you faced while creating this album?

A: As I don’t play any instrument, I always write lyrics first and then develop a melody in my head while I’m reading the lyrics to myself.  I then got demo singer/musicians to produce demos from my basic guide vocals. Through the years I imagined other arrangements for the songs and communicated these changes to the producer of “Sessions”, Leonard Wolf, by referencing tracks by published artists. i.e to demonstrate tempo, instruments used, feel etc. But I had faith in Leonard and he came up trumps translating my ideas into reality.

Q: How has your musical style and approach evolved since your previous album?

A: This is my first album.

Q: Which song on this album do you feel most connected to and why?

A: “A Mother’s Touch” as I wrote it just after my mother passed away.

Q: What can fans expect from your live performances in support of this album?

A: The album was recorded by a singer and group of musicians broiught together by the musician and producer, Leonard Wolf,  with whom I’d collaborated in the past. The album was recorded in Nashville. I travelled there from my home in Scotland to attend the recording of the album.

Q: Finally, what’s next for Robin Grimmond after the release of “Sessions & Confessions”?

A: I would love to get another album of my songs recorded by the same producer and musicians in Nashville. However, funding “Sessions & Confessions” was only possible as my mother left me something in her will.