
A conversation with Sacrobosco about “IVXVI”

Q: Hi! What inspired you to create your new album “IVXVI”?

A: Hi. Really hard to tell. Probably the time spent at home during covid period played a central role. I think these tracks meant to me a way to get over that situation.

Q: How does “IVXVI” differ from your previous albums, both in terms of sound and subject matter?

A: Surely for the use of analog instruments as for a deeper use of sampling. The previous works were definitely more synthetic and clean in terms of sound.

Q: Which track on the album is your personal favorite and why?

A: I guess the track “Anytime”, just because I worked on it in the process of creation, is very intense and unique.

Q: Can you share with us any challenges you faced while working on “IVXVI”?

A: Honestly I took a lot of time to work on it, I did it slowly and patiently, and that’s why I probably finally created 18 tracks. Indeed IXVXI is just the first of two releases, the other will be published in autumn. The only challenge was to connect all the tracks together after it had taken so long to create the whole material.

Q: How has your musical style evolved over the course of your career?

A: I guess it changed a lot considering I started many years ago as a guitarist with the aim of songwriting. I started my approach to electronic music very gradually, until this new way groth became the main one, even though I can experiment with every other approach I would like to try. 

Q: What message do you hope listeners take away from “IVXVI”?

A: I really can’t tell honestly. I think everyone feels different things and gets different messages. I just hope my music could transmit positive vibes.

Q: Are there any particular artists who have influenced your sound and style?

A: I guess nothing could ever start in my life about electronic music without the sensation I felt listening to the first time Chromakey Dreamcoat by Boards Of Canada, 13 years ago.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians just starting out in their careers?

A: To do just what makes them feel free. Creation is freedom.

Q: Finally, what can fans expect from your live performances in support of “IVXVI”?

A: I really like the idea of playing my music but always keeping by my side some unpredictable factor such as the chance of a glitch or whatever could surprise me. That’s why my performances are dawless and based on a large use of synths and effects.