Submit Music

Submit Music to Pressed Orange

Welcome to Pressed Orange, a music blog dedicated to showcasing fresh and exciting talent from around the world. If you’re an artist looking to submit your music for consideration, please follow the guidelines below to ensure your submission gets the attention it deserves.

Please send your submission to:

Submission Guidelines

  1. Email Subject: Use the format “Your Name – Song/Album Title” as the subject of your email.
  2. Introduction: In the body of the email, briefly introduce yourself and your music. Mention any relevant background information, influences, and what makes your music unique.
  3. Links: Provide streaming links to your music (e.g., SoundCloud, YouTube, Spotify). Do not attach files to the email.
  4. Press Kit: Include a link to your electronic press kit (EPK) containing high-resolution photos, a biography, and any press coverage or notable achievements.
  5. Social Media: Provide links to your social media profiles (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and website.

We look forward to listening to your music and potentially featuring it on Pressed Orange. Thank you for considering our blog as a platform to share your talent!

Or via Groover: